Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Axel is 2!

Axel got into the present thing very easily - Annika did not take the whole thing well at all. She did not know what to do while the attention was not on her entirely!
Below are Axel's reactions.
Thanks Nana and Papa for the really noisy train - Mommy and Far are going to love it!

Suzanne, love the airplane and helicopter, Mommy says that she will never give my future cousins a battery operated gift ever!

Far Far and Far Mor, jeg elsker min helt nye biltransport - helt klart et hit - tusinde tak

ja..ja. jeg ved det er Annika's men en er jo stadig speaendende - jeg skulle takke mange gange fra Annika

Tusinde tak for den MEGET flotte traktor - den er naesten ligesom farfars bare lidt bedre!


Axel blew out the candles before Annika got a chance to "help" him.

Allan, Tony and Bella were Axel's guests of honor.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Turkey hand cookies

Annika has entered the stage where holidays are beyond exciting, and begin as soon as the last one ends. Such is the case with Thanksgiving, and Annika could not wait to make these cookies. We traced her hand for the shape of the cookie and Annika meticulously decorated each one. She was very proud. This all had to occur, of course, while Axel was napping or it never would have gone so smoothly!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Prop 8 protest march

We are becoming quite the political family out here in San Francisco. On Friday night we went on our first family protest and marched through the streets of SF against the passage of Propsition 8. For those of you who do not know about this - same sex marriage has been legal here in CA, but a ban on it was put on the ballot last week and it passed - mostly because of tremendous funding from the Mormon Church. The Hansen family feels very strongly about this as we believe all people have the right to marry. Here are some of our pics with our best friends Brad and Michael who got married this past summer.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barack Obama wins!!!!!

And the Hansen family is jumping for joy!!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pumpkin Carving and HALLOWEEN!!!

The Roy's October visit

Axel 1st pony ride...

At the pumpkin patch
Annika - the riding pro (take note of her mom's old riding hat)
Axel - also a pro his second time around.

Monday, September 22, 2008

New Bike!!!

Annika is the proud owner of a VERY PINK bike with streamers.... there was no talking her out of this one as soon as she saw it. She is thrilled with it and had a blast riding it over the weekend. Morten is also very excited that one of his children is that much closer to riding with him.

swinging in the new playground.

Baby Liam Costeloe came to visit from London. He is the cutest and Annika and Axel loved seeing him.